P O U C H U L U :   S T A T E M E N T   F O R   A D A P T I N G   T O   H A B I T A T   C H A O S

The following are six essential commands to stop destroying our planet and adapting to what is left: 1- To abandon car-based urbanizations: walking, bikes and trains can save what's left of the landscape. Since 1896 more than 30 million people were killed in car accidents and 900 million suffered injuries. Still, cars have provided the biggest fun for humans, producing narcissistic and selfish drivers that pollute, disfigure the landscape and ruin the pedestrian environment. 2- To avoid plastic in Habitat, furniture and packaging, also in clothing, tools and toys. 3- To look after historical analogue machines: they produce real art-objects (drawings, prints, books, films, records), stimulating tact, flavour, hearing, sight, generating sounds with harmonics, paintings and prints with infinite chiaroscuros; they are recyclable and ecological and can be complemented -not replaced- by commercial digital techniques. 4- To get food from around where we live. About 30% of global pollution will be gone when the majority of comestibles are produced within each city's perimeter. Trans-oceanic vessel ships will set sail again, transporting selected items around the globe. 5- To keep away from the so called "social networks": like any net, its primary purpose is to catch a victim: they are used to monitor and control people's behaviour, they suffocate our liberty by saturating our mind with violent uncensored news and useless data. 6- Cities and agricultural areas are being affected by pollution. People living in coastal and sea towns should move to different latitudes and higher lands. I propose Survival Cities (floating, underground, within resilient forests) that will evolve in hostile environments where our consumerist habits will no longer exist. Professions will be replaced by métiers. Life will focus in survival, educating our children in the arts, geometry and science, carefully protecting the highlights of western civilization (law, freedom, rights and individual responsibility), while watching over the remnants of Nature and a few species.


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photo: planet Mars, dust storm, PIA15959, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), courtesy of NASA